An online mini-project that looks at the the joys of taking long, slow walks through intricately built digital landscapes in open world video games.

Streaming live on Twitch every Thursday from 8pm UK time, starting 26 Jan 2023. (Check social media for next stream)

Over the winter of 2022-23, whilst battling inflamed joints from my Colitis and arthritis, and receiving treatment for newly-diagnosed achilles tendonitis, I became frustrated that long, or even fairly short walks were increasingly something that I just couldn’t do. I found myself starting to explore the digital landscapes of open world games, and using this as a way to wind down and relax.

With open world game design becoming bigger and ever more realistic, the options for virtual wandering only broadens for those of us unable to do this IRL…

Read more about this research on my Substack…

In March 2023, this project was developed further through the Lightform Lab Alumni residency with TOMTech, with artist Thomas Buckley. At the end of this short residency, we were given the opportunity to present ideas using the 360 degree projection space at The Old Market theatre in Hove. Images below:


organsongs (2024)


GUTS (The Enchanted Forest) 2022